“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” ― Benjamin Franklin This is another aspect of the Coronavirus pandemic that I am working to process. I am thinking out loud here so bare with me. As with my previous story I am still in the middle of the unfolding of the situation, and as I’m finding, the answer may not come for years and may take several congressional investigations among other things. Below are some of the resources I’ve collected on the subject. If you know of others, please share in the comments. Circle of Health via https://www.scitecheuropa.eu/local-to-global-impact-in-health-promotion/97589/ “The U.S. government should re-establish a directorate for global health security and biodefense on the National Security Council (NSC) staff and should name a senior-level leader in charge of coordinating U.S. efforts to anticipate, prevent, and respond to biological crises. These actions will ensure that the necessary leadership, authority, and accountab...
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